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Our Story


At the SAGE Innovation Hackathon, a youth competition that showcases business creations, our company SpitStrips was born. Motivated by a number of high-profile and personal drunk-driving cases, as high-school students we came together to form SpitStrips.


As a team, we chose to create SpitStrips because we all share the same passion: putting an end to alcohol abuse and impaired driving.  We aspire to change society’s behaviour towards drinking and driving, as well as, to inform others on the negative effects of alcohol abuse.


Our goal is to make a difference; saving a life is worth more than any amount of money we could make with our company. We hope that you will join us in helping to put an end to drunk driving.  



Our Team
Michal Moshkovich, CEO

Rikard Saqe, CFO

Jessica Peter, CMO 

Questions? Comments? Contact us.

We'd love to talk. If you have anything to say, please tell us!

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